Women have been gathering in sacred space since ancient times. Sharing soul stories, wisdom and medicine. Journeying through ceremony and creating magic. Supporting and empowering each other through holding space where women are truly witnessed in their authentic truth. The magnitude of power and healing that is activated when women gather ripples out through us, into the collective.

Our intention is to hold sacred space for women as they embark on their journey of reconnecting to their authentic Self. Our offerings invite women to remember the ancient wisdom held within their womb, explore their unique feminine essence and establish harmony and balance within the Self.

This is why we have created an online & in-person container for women to feel supported and held. A space to nurture and be nurtured. A space where we get to be held by other powerful women. A space where we can celebrate and be celebrated for. A space where we can unleash in full magnitude all of who we are. A space where we can simply be ourselves and know that we are seen and loved in all of it.

This space is for women who desire to..

  • Expand their understanding of embodied feminine expression
  • Cultivate a relationship of safety within themselves
  • Explore embodiment practices, cyclical living education & holistic women's health shared from our unique wisdom and experience
  • Curiously explore and deepen their connection to themselves
  • Cultivate intimate connections with like-hearted women
  • Experience group ceremonies & rituals
  • Have access to exclusive free content and first invitations to new offerings

Sacred Cycle Wisdom - Online Immersion

Sacred Cycle Wisdom is a 3 month embodiment guide to support you with reconnecting with the innate wisdom within your womb. We teach you holistic menstrual cycle awareness for each season of your cycle along with practices and ceremonies to help you embody this energy.

The intention of this course is to deepen your connection with your womb, your cycle and your internal rhythm. This is a self-led online course with lifetime access. This means you can start your journey wherever you are within your cycle and can continue to revisit this embodiment wisdom.

Throughout this cyclical immersion, for each season of your cycle you will receive embodiment ceremonies, guided rituals & seasonal yoga practices, along with holistic menstrual cycle education. You will also receive an intentionally crafted ritual box filled our favourite ceremonial tools for you to create your sacred space throughout this journey.

To support you in integrating this wisdom, you will have access to a 3 month group container alongside other Embodied Women. Within this, you will receive a live opening ceremony, live monthly Q&A's, sister connection and individual coaching support.